Chat for distributed teams.
Zulip combines the immediacy of real-time chat with an email
threading model.
With Zulip, you can catch
up on important conversations while ignoring
irrelevant ones.

In Zulip, you subscribe to streams. Streams are like channels in Slack or IRC.

Each stream message also has a topic. Topics are unique to Zulip.

Topics make it easy to catch up after a day of meetings.

Let’s click on “Tuesday night catering.”

Messages in Zulip retain their context even if they’re sent hours after the conversation started:

Messages sent hours apart are linked in the same topic.

Without topics, it’s hard to catch up efficiently, and hard to participate in conversations that started while you were away.

The last message about Tuesday night catering is hidden 56 messages ago. Meanwhile, you just see a mix of unrelated messages.
Zulip Free is free for an unlimited number of users.
See plans and pricing